Inventory and Visualization


Inventory and Visualization


This tutorial is for performing inventory requests in order to visualize the NSP managed network in an OSS.

The basic steps are:

  • Retrieve inventory data for physical and logical objects of interest
  • Parse data to correlate objects for visualization purposes


This tutorial requires a network managed by NSP. Inventory requests will be made for the following objects:

  • Network elements
  • Cards
  • Ports
  • Physical Links (manually created or LLDP discovered)
  • LAGs
  • IGP topology (requires VSR integrated with NSP)


This tutorial has been tested with and is supported in NSP 23.4.


All steps in this tutorial are provided in the Postman Collection. Example responses for each request are also included.

The collection can be run using "Postman Runner" to perform the complete configuration. The following environment variables must be defined in order to run the collection:

  • server -- IP address of NSP server
  • user -- NSP OSS user
  • password -- password for the user


The following artifacts from ALED are required to run this tutorial:

  • NSP IETF topology artifacts


This tutorial is meant as a proof of concept and as an example method for configuring a service. It is not designed to be implemented, and must not be used as is, in a production network. It is intended to guide development of an OSS.

This tutorial contains sample code that has been written in Golang and is intended to show how data can be retrieved from NSP and parsed to suit particular purposes. For readability purposes, it has not been optimized, and omits most error handling. No warranty is available, either expressed or implied, for this sample code.


As will be described below, this tutorial makes use of Kafka for ensuring that data retrieved from NSP is kept up to date.

For further details on using Kafka, see Kafka Notification Service


General Request Best Practices

The initial inventory requests will be made using the NSP RESTCONF framework. It is recommended to make use of the "depth" and "fields" query parameters in order to limit the amount of information that is returned from NSP with a single request.

For simple requests, the use of RESTCONF "GET" is recommended. For more complicated requests, such as those using multi-level filtering, the NSP "nsp-inventory:find" method can be used. This tutorial makes use of both methods.

By default, inventory requests will retrieve up to 300 entries, starting at index 0. This can be modified using the "limit" and "offset" query parameters. The number of results is set using limit and can be a maximum of 1000. The offset is used to specify the index to start retrieving from. Responses include a start and end index which can be used to determine what value to use for the offset. There is also a total count included that can be used to determine when the end of the results has been reached.

Request Physical Inventory

Although the network element inventory can be retrieved in a single request, it is recommended to use multiple requests to retrieve different pieces of the hierarchy. For this tutorial, the network elements, cards, and ports will be retrieved in separate calls.

Network Elements will be filtered to retrieve only the type, administrative and operational states, NE id, management IP address, version and name. Using a depth of '2' limits the response to only the network element without traversing to cards and ports.

GET /restconf/data/nsp-equipment:network/network-element?depth=2&fields=type;admin-state;ne-id;ip-address;oper-state;version;name HTTP/1.1

Cards will be retrieved with no filtering.

GET /restconf/data/nsp-equipment:network/network-element/hardware-component/card HTTP/1.1

Ports will be retrieved using the "nsp-inventory:find" method. This will easily allow the fields that are returned in the results to be filtered even though at different levels. The NE id, administrative and operational states, and port name are from the port level. Under the port, there is a port-details that includes the mode, type, rate, mtu, and encapsulation type for the port. Finally, the lag-member-details includes the lag ID for any lags that the port may be a member of.

POST /restconf/operations/nsp-inventory:find HTTP/1.1

    "nsp-inventory:input": {
        "xpath-filter": "/nsp-equipment:network/network-element/hardware-component/port",
        "depth": "2",
        "fields": "ne-id;admin-state;oper-state;name;lag-member-details/lag-id;port-details(port-mode;port-type;actual-rate;mtu-value;encap-type)"

The physical links are the last piece of the physical inventory that will be retrieved

GET /restconf/data/nsp-service:services/physical-layer/cable HTTP/1.1

Request Logical Inventory

The logical inventory that this tutorial will retrieve contains the LAGs, and the IETF modelled IGP topology.

GET /restconf/data/nsp-equipment:/network/network-element/lag HTTP/1.1

The IGP topology requires that a VSR be integrated with the NSP. See the NSP documentation for details on configuring a VSR for use with NSP.

For the IETF model to be available, the IETF mapping files must be installed in NSP. The files are available from ALED and can be installed using the RESTCONF uploadFile API.

Uploading the mapping files will automatically trigger a resync of IGP data from the network. Depending on the size of the network, this may take several minutes.

POST /restconf/operations/nsp-yang-mapping-converter:nsp-yang-mapping-converter/uploadFile?nsp-plugin-id=yang HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename=""
Content-Type: <Content-Type header here>

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="IetfSapTopology.json"
Content-Type: application/json

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="IetfTopologies.json"
Content-Type: application/json

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename=""
Content-Type: <Content-Type header here>

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename=""
Content-Type: <Content-Type header here>

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename=""
Content-Type: <Content-Type header here>

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename=""
Content-Type: <Content-Type header here>


Similar to the physical inventory, it is recommended to retrieve the IGP topology using separate requests. The first request is to retrieve all of the available topologies.

GET /restconf/data/ietf-network:networks/network?depth=2 HTTP/1.1

Once the IGP topologies have been identified, requests can be made to retrieve the nodes and links that make up the topology.

GET /restconf/data/ietf-network:networks/network=TopologyId-0:0:0-ospf/node?fields=node-id HTTP/1.1
GET /restconf/data/ietf-network:networks/network=TopologyId-0:0:0-ospf/ietf-network-topology:link HTTP/1.1

Inventory Correlation

With the inventory that has been retrieved, it is necessary to parse the objects and possibly correlate them in order to generate a useful visualization. The tutorial will show how to create:

  • a list of physically connected endpoints
  • a list of LAGs and their members
  • a list of connected LAG endpoints
  • a list of connected nodes in an IGP topology

The sample source code at the end of this section shows one way of performing the parsing in a programmatic way.

Connected endpoints physical cables are modelled as connected endpoints. The endpoints can be pulled from the model in order to determine a mapping between network elements and ports that are physically connected.

for each cable
  get endpoint a network element and port
  get endpoint b network element and port
  add two endpoints to map
end for

LAG membership There are two ways to determine the members of a LAG:

  1. iterate over ports to determine which LAG they belong to
    Each port contains the LAG ID of the LAG that it is a member of and can be used to create the lag and add ports to it.

for each port
  if lag id is populated
    create lag on site if not already created
    add port as member of lag
  end if
end for

2. iterate over LAGs to determine what ports they contain
Each LAG has a list of FDNs for ports that are members of the LAG.

for each LAG
  look at list of members
  look up details of ports, based on FDN, as needed
end for

Each method of looking at LAGs is defined in the sample code below.

Connected LAGs Individual members of LAGs are likely connected via physical cable to a LAG on another network element. In order to determine which LAGs are connected the physical links can be used. The pseudo code assumes that a map of connected physical links has been created as above, and that LAG membership has been determined.

for lag
  for lag member
    look up member in physical link map to find other end
    look up other end in lag table to see which lag it is a member of
    show the two lags as being connected
  end for lag member
end for lag

IGP Connections

The following sample code shows a possible implementation of the above concepts. Resultant structures are simply printed to the console in this sample, but can be visualized in any manner as deemed appropriate by the application.

package main

import (

const (
	server      = "https://<<server>>"
	authUrl     = server + "/rest-gateway/rest/api/v1/auth/token"
	revUrl      = server + "/rest-gateway/rest/api/v1/auth/revocation"
	findUrl     = server + ":8545/restconf/operations/nsp-inventory:find"
	lagUrl      = server + ":8545/restconf/data/nsp-equipment:/network/network-element/lag"
	linkUrl     = server + ":8545/restconf/data/nsp-service:services/physical-layer/cable"
	ietfNetwork = server + ":8545/restconf/data/ietf-network:networks/network"
	user        = "admin"
	pass        = "NokiaNsp1!"

	certFile = "ssl/nsp_external_combined.pem"

// set up various structs for JSON Data
type Token struct {
	Access_Token  string `json:"access_token"`
	Refresh_Token string `json:"refresh_token"`
	Token_Type    string `json:"token_type"`
	Expires_In    int64  `json:"expires_in"`

type Ports struct {
	NspInventoryOutput struct {
		Data []struct {
			AdminState                      string `json:"admin-state"`
			EquipmentExtensionPortExtension struct {
			} `json:"equipment-extension-port:extension"`
			LagMemberDetails []struct {
				LagId string `json:"lag-id"`
			} `json:"lag-member-details"`
			Name        string `json:"name"`
			NeID        string `json:"ne-id"`
			OperState   string `json:"oper-state"`
			PortDetails []struct {
				ActualRate float64 `json:"actual-rate"`
				EncapType  string  `json:"encap-type"`
				MtuValue   int     `json:"mtu-value"`
				PortMode   string  `json:"port-mode"`
				PortType   string  `json:"port-type"`
			} `json:"port-details"`
		} `json:"data"`
		EndIndex   int `json:"end-index"`
		StartIndex int `json:"start-index"`
		TotalCount int `json:"total-count"`
	} `json:"nsp-inventory:output"`

type Lag struct {
	NspEquipmentLag []NspEquipmentLag `json:"nsp-equipment:lag"`
type NspEquipmentLag struct {
	LagIndex              int           `json:"lag-index"`
	ConfiguredAddress     string        `json:"configured-address"`
	Parent                interface{}   `json:"parent"`
	LagID                 string        `json:"lag-id"`
	AvailabilityState     []interface{} `json:"availability-state"`
	OperationalSpeed      float64       `json:"operational-speed"`
	OperState             string        `json:"oper-state"`
	Description           interface{}   `json:"description"`
	OperationalSpeedUnits string        `json:"operational-speed-units"`
	AdminState            string        `json:"admin-state"`
	NeID                  string        `json:"ne-id"`
	NeName                string        `json:"ne-name"`
	LagMode               string        `json:"lag-mode"`
	StandbyState          string        `json:"standby-state"`
	Members               []string      `json:"members"`
	Name                  string        `json:"name"`
	StateReason           []interface{} `json:"state-reason"`
	EncapType             string        `json:"encap-type"`
	ParentNe              string        `json:"parent-ne"`

type Cable struct {
	NspServiceCable []NspServiceCable `json:"nsp-service:cable"`
type PortBindings struct {
	Resource    string      `json:"resource"`
	Name        interface{} `json:"name"`
	OperState   string      `json:"oper-state"`
	Description interface{} `json:"description"`
	AdminState  string      `json:"admin-state"`
	ClassName   string      `json:"class-name"`
type LinkEndpoint struct {
	ServiceName  interface{}    `json:"service-name"`
	SiteName     interface{}    `json:"site-name"`
	Site         string         `json:"site"`
	PortBindings []PortBindings `json:"port-bindings"`
	Service      string         `json:"service"`
	Name         string         `json:"name"`
	OperState    string         `json:"oper-state"`
	Description  interface{}    `json:"description"`
	SiteID       string         `json:"site-id"`
	AdminState   string         `json:"admin-state"`
	Type         string         `json:"type"`
	EndpointID   string         `json:"endpoint-id"`
type NetworkElementBinding struct {
	Resource    string      `json:"resource"`
	Name        interface{} `json:"name"`
	OperState   string      `json:"oper-state"`
	Description interface{} `json:"description"`
	AdminState  string      `json:"admin-state"`
	ClassName   string      `json:"class-name"`
type LinkSite struct {
	ServiceName           interface{}             `json:"service-name"`
	Endpoint              []string                `json:"endpoint"`
	TunnelBinding         []interface{}           `json:"tunnel-binding"`
	Service               string                  `json:"service"`
	Name                  interface{}             `json:"name"`
	OperState             string                  `json:"oper-state"`
	Description           interface{}             `json:"description"`
	SiteID                string                  `json:"site-id"`
	AdminState            string                  `json:"admin-state"`
	NetworkElementBinding []NetworkElementBinding `json:"network-element-binding"`
type NspServiceCable struct {
	LinkEndpoint    []LinkEndpoint `json:"link-endpoint"`
	ServiceID       interface{}    `json:"service-id"`
	Latency         interface{}    `json:"latency"`
	Origin          string         `json:"origin"`
	OperState       string         `json:"oper-state"`
	Description     string         `json:"description"`
	AdminState      string         `json:"admin-state"`
	NeServiceID     interface{}    `json:"ne-service-id"`
	IsNfmpIPService bool           `json:"is-nfmp-ip-service"`
	LinkSite        []LinkSite     `json:"link-site"`
	Name            string         `json:"name"`
	ID              string         `json:"id"`
	Direction       string         `json:"direction"`

type LinkEndpointKey struct {
	neID   string
	portID string

type Ietf struct {
	IetfNetworkNetwork []IetfNetworkNetwork `json:"ietf-network:network"`
type IetfNetworkNode struct {
	Node []Node `json:"ietf-network:node"`
type IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3UnicastTopology struct {
type NetworkTypes struct {
	IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3UnicastTopology IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3UnicastTopology `json:"ietf-l3-unicast-topology:l3-unicast-topology"`
type SupportingNetwork struct {
	NetworkRef string `json:"network-ref"`
type SupportingNode struct {
	NetworkRef string `json:"network-ref"`
	NodeRef    string `json:"node-ref"`
type IetfL3TeTopologyL3TeTpAttributes struct {
	TpRef      string `json:"tp-ref"`
	NodeRef    string `json:"node-ref"`
	NetworkRef string `json:"network-ref"`
type IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3TerminationPointAttributes struct {
	IPAddress                        []string                         `json:"ip-address"`
	IetfL3TeTopologyL3TeTpAttributes IetfL3TeTopologyL3TeTpAttributes `json:"ietf-l3-te-topology:l3-te-tp-attributes"`
type IetfNetworkTopologyTerminationPoint struct {
	TpID                                              string                                            `json:"tp-id"`
	IetfTeTopologyTeTpID                              interface{}                                       `json:"ietf-te-topology:te-tp-id"`
	IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3TerminationPointAttributes IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3TerminationPointAttributes `json:"ietf-l3-unicast-topology:l3-termination-point-attributes"`
type Prefix struct {
	Prefix string `json:"prefix"`
	Metric int    `json:"metric"`
type IetfL3TeTopologyL3TeNodeAttributes struct {
	NodeRef    string `json:"node-ref"`
	NetworkRef string `json:"network-ref"`
type IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3NodeAttributes struct {
	Name                                string                             `json:"name"`
	Flag                                []string                           `json:"flag"`
	RouterID                            []string                           `json:"router-id"`
	NspIetfNetworkTopologyNspAttributes []interface{}                      `json:"nsp-ietf-network-topology:nsp-attributes"`
	Prefix                              []Prefix                           `json:"prefix"`
	IetfL3TeTopologyL3TeNodeAttributes  IetfL3TeTopologyL3TeNodeAttributes `json:"ietf-l3-te-topology:l3-te-node-attributes"`
type Node struct {
	NodeID                                string                                `json:"node-id"`
	IetfTeTopologyTeNodeID                interface{}                           `json:"ietf-te-topology:te-node-id"`
	SupportingNode                        []SupportingNode                      `json:"supporting-node,omitempty"`
	IetfNetworkTopologyTerminationPoint   []IetfNetworkTopologyTerminationPoint `json:"ietf-network-topology:termination-point"`
	IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3NodeAttributes IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3NodeAttributes `json:"ietf-l3-unicast-topology:l3-node-attributes"`
type IetfL3TeTopologyL3TeTopologyAttributes struct {
	NetworkRef string `json:"network-ref"`
type IetfSrMplsTopologySrMpls struct {
type IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3TopologyAttributes struct {
	Name                                   string                                 `json:"name"`
	IetfL3TeTopologyL3TeTopologyAttributes IetfL3TeTopologyL3TeTopologyAttributes `json:"ietf-l3-te-topology:l3-te-topology-attributes"`
	IetfSrMplsTopologySrMpls               IetfSrMplsTopologySrMpls               `json:"ietf-sr-mpls-topology:sr-mpls"`
type Source struct {
	SourceNode string `json:"source-node"`
	SourceTp   string `json:"source-tp"`
type Destination struct {
	DestNode string `json:"dest-node"`
	DestTp   string `json:"dest-tp"`
type IetfL3TeTopologyL3TeLinkAttributes struct {
	LinkRef    string `json:"link-ref"`
	NetworkRef string `json:"network-ref"`
type IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3LinkAttributes struct {
	Name                                string                             `json:"name"`
	Metric1                             int                                `json:"metric1"`
	Metric2                             int                                `json:"metric2"`
	Flag                                []string                           `json:"flag"`
	NspIetfNetworkTopologyNspAttributes []interface{}                      `json:"nsp-ietf-network-topology:nsp-attributes"`
	IetfL3TeTopologyL3TeLinkAttributes  IetfL3TeTopologyL3TeLinkAttributes `json:"ietf-l3-te-topology:l3-te-link-attributes"`
type IetfNetworkTopologyLink struct {
	LinkID                                string                                `json:"link-id"`
	Source                                Source                                `json:"source"`
	Destination                           Destination                           `json:"destination"`
	IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3LinkAttributes IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3LinkAttributes `json:"ietf-l3-unicast-topology:l3-link-attributes"`
type IetfTeTopologyPacketPacket struct {
type IetfTeTopologyTeTopology struct {
	IetfTeTopologyPacketPacket IetfTeTopologyPacketPacket `json:"ietf-te-topology-packet:packet"`
type NetworkTypes0 struct {
	IetfTeTopologyTeTopology IetfTeTopologyTeTopology `json:"ietf-te-topology:te-topology"`
type IetfTeTopologyTeTopologyIdentifier struct {
	ProviderID int    `json:"provider-id"`
	ClientID   int    `json:"client-id"`
	TopologyID string `json:"topology-id"`
type IetfNetworkNetwork struct {
	NetworkID                                 string                                    `json:"network-id"`
	NetworkTypes                              NetworkTypes                              `json:"network-types,omitempty"`
	SupportingNetwork                         []SupportingNetwork                       `json:"supporting-network,omitempty"`
	Node                                      []Node                                    `json:":node"`
	IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3TopologyAttributes IetfL3UnicastTopologyL3TopologyAttributes `json:"ietf-l3-unicast-topology:l3-topology-attributes,omitempty"`
	IetfNetworkTopologyLink                   []IetfNetworkTopologyLink                 `json:"ietf-network-topology:link"`
	IetfTeTopologyTeTopologyIdentifier        IetfTeTopologyTeTopologyIdentifier        `json:"ietf-te-topology:te-topology-identifier,omitempty"`

func main() {
	tlsConfig, err := LoadTlsConfig(certFile)
	if err != nil {
	tr := &http.Transport{
		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
	client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}

	// get auth token
	payload := strings.NewReader(`{ "grant_type": "client_credentials" }`)
	cred := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(user + ":" + pass))

	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", authUrl, payload)

	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic "+cred)

	body, _ := sendReq(client, req)

	tokenRes := Token{}
	parseJSON([]byte(body), &tokenRes)

	token := tokenRes.Access_Token

	// get ports
	portOffset := 0
	portTotal := 1
	var portRes Ports

	// Keep reading until all pages have been retrieved
	for portOffset < portTotal {
		portBody := portReader(portOffset)

		req, _ = http.NewRequest("POST", findUrl, portBody)

		req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+token)
		req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")

		body, _ = sendReq(client, req)

		var p Ports
		parseJSON([]byte(body), &p)

		portRes.NspInventoryOutput.Data = append(portRes.NspInventoryOutput.Data, p.NspInventoryOutput.Data...)

		portOffset = p.NspInventoryOutput.EndIndex + 1
		portTotal = p.NspInventoryOutput.TotalCount

	// get lags from port information to determine membership
	var lagDetails = make(map[string]map[string][]string)
	for i := 0; i < len(portRes.NspInventoryOutput.Data); i++ {
		if len(portRes.NspInventoryOutput.Data[i].LagMemberDetails) > 0 {
			for j := 0; j < len(portRes.NspInventoryOutput.Data[i].LagMemberDetails); j++ {
				n := portRes.NspInventoryOutput.Data[i].NeID
				l := portRes.NspInventoryOutput.Data[i].LagMemberDetails[j].LagId
				p := portRes.NspInventoryOutput.Data[i].Name
				_, ok := lagDetails[n]
				if ok {
					lagDetails[n][l] = append(lagDetails[n][l], p)
				} else {
					lagDetails[n] = map[string][]string{l: {p}}

	fmt.Println("Lag map: ", lagDetails)

	// Get LAGs
	req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", lagUrl, nil)
	req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+token)
	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")

	body, _ = sendReq(client, req)

	var lagRes Lag
	parseJSON([]byte(body), &lagRes)

	for i := 0; i < len(lagRes.NspEquipmentLag); i++ {
		fmt.Print("NeID: ", lagRes.NspEquipmentLag[i].NeID, " Name: ", lagRes.NspEquipmentLag[i].LagID, "\n")

	// Get Cables
	req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", linkUrl, nil)
	req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+token)
	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")

	body, _ = sendReq(client, req)

	var cableRes Cable
	parseJSON([]byte(body), &cableRes)

	cableAssoc := linkEndpointAssoc(cableRes)

	// GET IETF L3 topology
	req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", ietfNetwork, nil)
	req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+token)
	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
	req.URL.RawQuery = url.Values{"depth": {"2"}}.Encode()
	body, _ = sendReq(client, req)

	var ietfRes Ietf
	parseJSON([]byte(body), &ietfRes)

	// declare structures that will contain topology information
	topoNode := make(map[string][]string)
	topoLink := make(map[string][]map[string]map[string]string)

	for i := 0; i < len(ietfRes.IetfNetworkNetwork); i++ {
		// ignore SAP and L2 topologies
		if ietfRes.IetfNetworkNetwork[i].NetworkID == "SAPTopology" || ietfRes.IetfNetworkNetwork[i].NetworkID == "L2Topology" {

		// Get nodes participating in the IGP
		u := ietfNetwork + "=" + ietfRes.IetfNetworkNetwork[i].NetworkID
		req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", u+"/node", nil)
		req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+token)
		req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
		req.URL.RawQuery = url.Values{"fields": {"node-id"}}.Encode()

		var nodes IetfNetworkNode
		body, _ = sendReq(client, req)
		parseJSON([]byte(body), &nodes)

		// add nodes to node structure, grouped by topology ID
		for j := 0; j < len(nodes.Node); j++ {
			topoNode[ietfRes.IetfNetworkNetwork[i].NetworkID] = append(topoNode[ietfRes.IetfNetworkNetwork[i].NetworkID], nodes.Node[j].NodeID)


		// Get links in the IGP
		req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", u+"/ietf-network-topology:link", nil)
		req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+token)
		req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")

		var links IetfNetworkNetwork
		body, _ = sendReq(client, req)
		parseJSON([]byte(body), &links)

		re := regexp.MustCompile(`\[node-id=(.*)\]`)

		// add links with source and destination to link structure, grouped by topology ID
		for j := 0; j < len(links.IetfNetworkTopologyLink); j++ {
			srcFDN := links.IetfNetworkTopologyLink[i].Source.SourceNode
			src := re.FindStringSubmatch(srcFDN)[1]
			destFDN := links.IetfNetworkTopologyLink[i].Source.SourceNode
			dest := re.FindStringSubmatch(destFDN)[1]
			tl := map[string]map[string]string{links.IetfNetworkTopologyLink[j].LinkID: {"source": src, "dest": dest}}

			topoLink[ietfRes.IetfNetworkNetwork[i].NetworkID] = append(topoLink[ietfRes.IetfNetworkNetwork[i].NetworkID], tl)

	// print out node topology structure
	for key, val := range topoNode {
		fmt.Println("Topology: ", key, "contains nodes: ", val)

	// print out link topology structure
	b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(topoLink, "", "    ")

	// Revoke client token
	payload = strings.NewReader("token=" + token + "&token_type_hint=token")
	req, _ = http.NewRequest("POST", revUrl, payload)
	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic "+cred)

	_, _ = sendReq(client, req)

// send HTTP request
func sendReq(c *http.Client, req *http.Request) ([]byte, error) {
	res, err := c.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer res.Body.Close()
	body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return body, nil

// parse JSON into relevant struct
func parseJSON(body []byte, res any) {
	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &res)
	if err != nil {

// create map of endpoints that are cabled together
func linkEndpointAssoc(c Cable) map[LinkEndpointKey]LinkEndpointKey {
	var list = make(map[LinkEndpointKey]LinkEndpointKey)

	for i := 0; i < len(c.NspServiceCable); i++ {
		siteA := c.NspServiceCable[i].LinkEndpoint[0].SiteID
		siteB := c.NspServiceCable[i].LinkEndpoint[1].SiteID
		portA := c.NspServiceCable[i].LinkEndpoint[0].EndpointID
		portB := c.NspServiceCable[i].LinkEndpoint[1].EndpointID

		a := LinkEndpointKey{neID: siteA, portID: portA}
		b := LinkEndpointKey{neID: siteB, portID: portB}

		list[a] = b
		list[b] = a
	return list

// generate payload for next page of ports to retrieve
func portReader(o int) io.Reader {
	return strings.NewReader(`{"nsp-inventory:input": {
		"xpath-filter": "/nsp-equipment:network/network-element/hardware-component/port",
		"depth": "2",
		"limit": 10,
		"offset": ` + strconv.Itoa(o) + `,
		"fields": "ne-id;admin-state;oper-state;name;lag-member-details/lag-id;port-details(port-mode;port-type;actual-rate;mtu-value;encap-type)"
		} } `)


func LoadTlsConfig(caCertFilePath string) (*tls.Config, error) {
	// load the TLS certs from the specified file and return a TLS config
	tlsConfig := tls.Config{}
	caCert, err := os.ReadFile(caCertFilePath)
	if err != nil {
		return &tlsConfig, err
	caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
	tlsConfig.RootCAs = caCertPool
	return &tlsConfig, err

Kafka Notifications

In order to keep up to date with changes in the network, a client must consume Kafka messages. The "nsp-yang-model.change-notif" topic can be used to monitor for relevant changes.

Each message on this topic contains a header that indicates the class for which the message is applicable. In this way, a consumer can ignore messages that are not of interest without parsing the entire payload.

For this tutorial, the following classes are used:

  • /nsp-equipment:network/network-element/hardware-component/port
  • /nsp-equipment:network/network-element/hardware-component/port/port-details
  • /nsp-equipment:network/network-element/hardware-component/card
  • /nsp-equipment:network/network-element/lag
  • /nsp-equipment:network/network-element/lag/multi-chassis-lag-member
  • /nsp-service:services/physical-layer/cable
  • /ietf-network:networks/network/ietf-network-topology

By comparing the "class-id" header to this list, irrelevant messages can be dropped.

The following source code shows an example of how to connect to Kafka and to filter messages based on the "class-id" header.

package main

import (


const (
	topic         = "nsp-yang-model.change-notif"
	brokerAddress = "<<server>>:9192"
	certFile      = "ssl/nsp_external_combined.pem"

var r *kafka.Reader

func Classes() map[string]bool {
	// list of classes that are of interest
	// other classes, as identified in the Kafka header, will be ignored
	return map[string]bool{
		"/nsp-equipment:network/network-element/hardware-component/port":              true,
		"/nsp-equipment:network/network-element/hardware-component/port/port-details": true,
		"/nsp-equipment:network/network-element/hardware-component/card":              true,
		"/nsp-equipment:network/network-element/lag":                                  true,
		"/nsp-equipment:network/network-element/lag/multi-chassis-lag-member":         true,
		"/nsp-service:services/physical-layer/cable":                                  true,
		"/ietf-network:networks/network/ietf-network-topology":                        true,

func handler(signal os.Signal) {
	// clean up the Kafka consumer when exiting
	fmt.Println("Closing reader")

	if err := r.Close(); err != nil {
		log.Fatal("failed to close reader:", err)


func main() {
	// create a new context
	ctx := context.Background()
	sigchnl := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(sigchnl, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
	go func() {
		for {
			s := <-sigchnl


func consume(ctx context.Context) {
	// open file for log messages. Note, no cleanup or file maintenance is performed
	readerLogFile, err := os.OpenFile("log.txt", os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND|os.O_RDWR, 0666)
	if err != nil {
	l := log.New(readerLogFile, "kafka reader: ", 0)
	// load TLS certificates
	tlsConfig, err := LoadTlsConfig(certFile)
	if err != nil {

	dialer := &kafka.Dialer{
		Timeout:   10 * time.Second,
		DualStack: true,
		TLS:       tlsConfig,

	// initialize a new reader with the brokers and topic
	r = kafka.NewReader(kafka.ReaderConfig{
		Brokers: []string{brokerAddress},
		Topic:   topic,
		GroupID: "my-group",
		// assign the logger to the reader
		Logger:   l,
		Dialer:   dialer,
		MinBytes: 10,
		MaxBytes: 1e9,
		MaxWait:  60 * time.Second,

	classes := Classes()

	re := regexp.MustCompile(`\/ietf-network:networks\/network\/ietf-network-topology`)

	for {
		// the `ReadMessage` method blocks until we receive the next event
		msg, err := r.ReadMessage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			panic("could not read message " + err.Error())

		// look at headers of message and check the class-id
		// if a class of interest then print out the msg value
		for _, header := range msg.Headers {
			if string(header.Key) == "class-id" {
				if classes[string(header.Value)] || re.Match([]byte(header.Value)) {
					var pJSON bytes.Buffer
					err := json.Indent(&pJSON, msg.Value, "", "   ")
					if err != nil {

func LoadTlsConfig(caCertFilePath string) (*tls.Config, error) {
	// load the TLS certs from the specified file and return a TLS config
	tlsConfig := tls.Config{}
	caCertFileDir := caCertFilePath
	caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(caCertFileDir)
	if err != nil {
		return &tlsConfig, err
	caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
	tlsConfig.RootCAs = caCertPool
	return &tlsConfig, err

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