Topology API - Tutorial to retrieve IETF-compliant topology models, including layer 2, 3 and TE topology.
End-to-End VPRN Service Configuration - Tutorial to create an L3VPN service with an auto-assigned route distinguisher.
End-to-End EPIPE Service Configuration - Tutorial to create a point-to-point L2 service.
Notification Service - Managing a Persistent Subscription - Tutorial to describe how to manage a persistent subscription in a Disaster Recovery (DR) setup mode where there are 2 data centers (DC1 and DC2).
MD OAM - Tutorial to create OAM-PM tests and retrieve their results. This includes a TWAMP light and ETH CFM tests.
Telemetry - Tutorial to create a Telemetry subscription and retrieve test results.
Inventory and Visualization - Tutorial to perform inventory requests in order to visualize the NSP-managed network in an OSS.
Brownfield Service Migrations - Tutorial to show how to migrate the management of services from NFMP to NSP.
Fault Management - Tutorial to demonstrate the typical fault management alarm retrieval process required to access the NSP FM alarm data.
Port Utilization Telemetry - Tutorial provides two user cases on how to create telemetry port utilization subscription on a MDM node and a Classic node in NSP
Inventory and Device Configuration - Tutorial to retrieve network inventory and then configure devices
Device Inventory and Fault Management - Tutorial to relate alarms to equipment inventory objects
External Alarm Creation - Tutorial to raise alarms from an external system
VSCode Extensions - A collection of tutorials about the various VSCode exentions