Release 22.10 ************* 22.10.7 ####### * No additional features .. Reviewed by PLM 20231129 .. Reviewed by TechComms 20231129 22.10.6 ####### * Minimum supported Python 3 version now 3.10 .. Reviewed by PLM 20230801 22.10.5 ####### * No additional features .. Reviewed by PLM 20230511 22.10.4 ####### * Minimum supported lxml version now 4.9.2 .. Reviewed by PLM 20230511 22.10.3 ####### * No additional features .. Reviewed by PLM 20230511 22.10.2 ####### * :py:meth:`` method adds support for the conversion of the input/output data of YANG modeled operations (actions). 22.10.1 ####### * :py:meth:`` method provides the ability to compare the uncommitted candidate configuration with the baseline configuration prior to a commit. * :py:meth:`` method provides the ability to execute a YANG modeled action (operation) on SR OS using modeled, structured data as both input and output. * Updates to the :py:class:`pysros.wrappers.Schema` and :py:class:`pysros.wrappers.SchemaType` to include additional YANG schema information, specifically: * ``namespace`` * ``yang_type`` * ``units`` * ``default`` * ``mandatory`` * ``range`` * ``union_members`` * :py:meth:`` method provides the ability to convert any correctly formatted data from either pySROS data structure format, XML format or JSON IETF format, to pySROS data structure format, XML format, or JSON IETF format. The input data must be valid according to the YANG schema for the specific :py:class:`` object. * :py:class:`pysros.syslog` class provided for syslog event manipulation when used on SR OS as part of the syslog functionality.