Release 22.7 ************ 22.7.2 ###### * No additional features 22.7.1 ###### * :py:meth:`` method provides filters to limit resultant data sets. * :py:meth:`` method provides an additional ``replace`` option in addition to the default ``merge`` behavior. * Local filesystem access for pySROS when executed on an SR OS device. Including provision of adapted :py:mod:`uio`, :py:mod:`uos` and :py:mod:`uos.path` modules. * Selectively disable SSH hostkey checking in the :py:func:`` function. * :py:meth:`` and and :py:meth:`` methods provide an option to make configuration changes in a candidate configuration without automatically issuing a commit. * Provision of the following new methods: - :py:meth:`` - :py:meth:`` - :py:meth:`` - :py:meth:``