Nokia NSP Connected Partner Program (CPP)

Application to Nokia NSP CPP Services

Thank you for your interest in Nokia NSP CPP services. In order to process your service request, please complete the following form.

  1. Which NSP CPP services are you interested in? Please check all that apply.*

  2. Please specify the market space of your product being positioned for CPP services.*

  3. Please specify your market share in the relevant market segments.*

  4. Please provide a brief description about your product.*

  5. How large is your company?*

    If your company has extended business beyond telecom, please identify the number of employees associated to the telecom business
  6. How many common customers does your organization share with Nokia in each region?*

  7. Do you have a sponsoring customer?*

    A sponsoring customer is committing to put the integration into production
  8. Please specify the NSP release and date for product certification.*

  9. ISV Contact Information.*